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(国防科技大学 电子信息系统复杂电磁环境效应国家重点实验室,湖南 长沙 471003)

摘  要:针对在复杂海杂波强干扰环境、低 SCR 的情况下,对弱小目标进行全极化雷达检测难度大的问题,提出一种基于回波信号谱峭度值特征识别检测算法,分别对纯海杂波信号和带目标物信号进行实测分析,结果表明纯海杂波信号和带目标物信号的回波特征中谱峭度数值具有明显的差异,辨识度极高,能够充分反映出目标物的回波特征。


中图分类号:TN957.51         文献标识码:       文章编号:2096-4706(2020)04-0031-05

Detection Method of Weak Small Targets in Sea Clutter Based on Recognition of Echo Characteristics

LU Wangwang,YANG Yong,ZHANG Bin

(State Key Laboratory of Complex Electromagnetic Environmental Effects on Electronics and Information System,National Universityof Defense Technology,Changsha 410073,China)

Abstract:In the complex sea clutter environment with strong interference and low SCR,it is very difficult to detect small and weak targets with full polarization radar. In this paper,a detection algorithm based on the kurtosis value of echo signal spectrum is proposed. Through the measurement and analysis of pure sea clutter signals and signals with targets,the sea clutter signal and target signal are measured and analyzed respectively. The results show that there is a significant difference between the spectral kurtosis values in the pure sea clutter signal and the target echo signal,and the degree of identification is extremely high,which can fully reflect the echo characteristics of the target.

Keywords:echo characteristics;full polarization;weak and small targets;spectral kurtosis



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