摘 要:基于斯塔克效应,在两个真空场中三个二能级原子彼此间相互纠缠现象的过程中,通过斯塔克内部因子系数的合 理调节,能够有效地对纠缠忽然死亡和忽然产生进行调节和控制。当斯塔克内部因子系数的选择满足一定的条件时,纠缠的死亡 与复活将实现可控化,也就是说当斯塔克影响因子选择恰当时,既可以控制纠缠死亡与复活的产生,也可以控制纠缠死亡与复活 的顺序。在这种情况下,如果将这种现象利用到光电开关的研发中,将有极大的利用价值和帮助。
中图分类号:TN25;O471.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)04-0036-04
Research the Quantum Switch Based on Three-atom Entanglement Sudden Death and Birth in Cavity QED with the Influence of the Stark Shift
WU Kunhua,ZHANG Xiaoqing
(Fujian College of Water Conservancy and Electric Power,Yongan 366000,China)
Abstract:Based on the Stark effect,in the process of entanglement of three two-level atoms in two vacuum fields,the sudden death and generation of entanglement can be effectively regulated and controlled by the reasonable adjustment of Stark internal factor coefficient. When the selection of Stark’s internal factor coefficient meets certain conditions,the entangled death and resurrection will be controllable. That is to say,when Stark’s influencing factor selection is right,it can control the generation of entangled death and resurrection as well as the order of entangled death and resurrection. In this case,if this phenomenon is used in the research and development of photoelectric switches,it will have great use value and help.
Keywords:quantum entanglement;Stark effect;entanglement sudden death and birth;quantum switch
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