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(南京南大四维科技发展有限公司,江苏 南京 210019)

摘  要:随着智能技术在各个生产领域的应用实践,其优势也日渐显现出来。具体到电子信息工程自动化设计范围,其充分融合了智能理念与技术,在作业产线、故障诊断、产品设计以及辅助生产和检索等多领域进行了有效的实践。事实证明,智能化对整个设计与决策过程具有提速提质的积极作用,而且可以有效地避免人工作业的误差,这对于生产的精确度要求具有显而易见的效果。


中图分类号:TN02         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)04-0044-03

Application Analysis of Intelligent Technology in Electronic Information Engineering Automation Design


(Nanjing University Siwei Technology Development Co.,Ltd.,Nanjing 210019,China)

Abstract:With the application and practice of intelligent technology in various production fields,its advantages are gradually emerging. Specifically to the scope of electronic information engineering automation design,it fully integrates the intelligent concept and technology,and has carried out effective practice in many aspects such as production line,fault diagnosis,product design,auxiliary production and retrieval. It has been proved that intelligence plays an active role in improving the speed and quality of the whole design and decision-making process,and can effectively avoid the error of manual work,which has obvious effect on the accuracy requirements of production.

Keywords:electronic information engineering;automatic design;intelligence


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