摘 要:全自动运行系统在城市轨道交通建设中已取得了广泛的推广,系统自动化水平的提升也给运营带来新的挑战,特别是因列车在区间内迫停后的救援处置,更是应急领域的研究重点。文章首先分析了全自动运行系统下列车救援的基本流程,进一步深化分析 GoA4 运行等级下,三种不同工况条件下救援策略的选择。针对无法直观进行策略选择的场景,该文基于动态规划理论,引入多阶段决策问题,提出了一种决策方法,并依据仿真案例进行详细分析。
中图分类号:U283 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)04-0047-05
The Rescue Analysis and Decision of Fully Automatic Operation System
ZHU Tongli
(Beijing Urban Construction Design & Development Group Co.,Limited,Beijing 100037,China)
Abstract:The automatic operation system has been widely popularized in the construction of urban rail transit,and the improvement of the automation level of the system also brings new challenges to the operation,especially because the rescue and disposal of the train after the forced stop in the interval is the focus of the research in the field of emergency. First,this paper analyzes the basic flow of train rescue under the automatic operation system,and further deepens the analysis GoA4 the choice of rescue strategy under three different operating conditions under the operation grade. In view of the scenario which can not directly select the strategy,based on the dynamic programming theory,a multi-stage decision-making problem is introduced,and a decision-making method is proposed,and the simulation case is analyzed in detail.
Keywords:fully automatic operation system;train rescue;dynamic planning;multi-stage decision
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