摘 要:电源完整性已经成为高速电路领域中的一个重点分析对象,从芯片架构设计到芯片内的电源分布设计,从芯片封装布局到印刷电路板布局,都在考虑如何在电源完整性设计和自身系统性能设计之间找到最佳平衡点。文章进行系统全链路的参数分析,分析系统中各个部分对阻抗曲线如何产生作用,初步判断系统的性能;同时,通过时域仿真模型分析,确定整体的链路能否达到芯片设计指标,采用时 - 频仿真分析方法,对实际整体的链路中的 PI 现象进行有效的分析,为芯片的设计提供了良好的解决方案。
关键词:电源完整性;频域 / 时域分析;电源分配系统;阻抗曲线
中图分类号:TN86 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)04-0062-03
Research on Time-frequency Analysis Method of System Level Power Supply Integrity
YU Juhua,CHANG Xingzhi,HU Chunfen
(School of Software and Big Data,Changzhou College of Information Technology,Changzhou 213164,China)
Abstract:Power Integrity (PI) has become a key analysis object in the field of high-speed circuits. From the chip architecture design to the power distribution design in the chip,from the chip packaging (PKG) layout to the printed circuit board (PCB)layout,we are considering how to find the best balance between the power integrity design and the performance design of our own system. This paper analyzes the parameters of the whole link of the system,analyzes how the various parts of the system affect the impedance curve,and preliminarily judges the performance of the system;at the same time,through the analysis of the time-domain simulation model,determines whether the overall link can reach the chip design index. In this paper,the time-frequency simulation analysis method is used to effectively analyze the PI phenomenon in the actual overall link,which provides a good solution for the chip design.
Keywords:power integrity;frequency/time domain analysis;power distribution system;impedance curve
课题项目:江苏省高职院校青年教师企业实践培训项目;2019 年常州信息职业技术学院高等职业教育教学改革课题(2019CXJG01);2019 年常州大学高职教育研究院课题(CDGZ2019045);2019 年江苏省高等教育教学改革研究院课题(201 9JSJG467)
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