摘 要:地下管线三维轨迹惯性定位是一种抗干扰能力强、定位精度高的地下管线定位技术。该文通过对 REDUCT 公司的两款惯性定位系统进行实验,定量分析了里程仪的误差及惯性定位系统的运动速度对其测量精度的影响,为今后工程实践提供了宝贵经验,为持续改善和提高地下管线三维轨迹惯性定位系统精度理清了思路。
中图分类号:TU990.3;TN96 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)04-0057-05
Analysis of the Factors Affecting the Measurement Accuracy of the REDUCT Inertial Positioning System
——Taking the Measurement Time and Odometer Accuracy as an Example
SUN Dongjin
(Shanghai Rongce Space Surveying and mapping Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200333,China)
Abstract:The three-dimensional trajectory inertial positioning of underground pipelines is a kind of positioning technology with strong anti-interference ability and high positioning accuracy. Based on the experiments of two inertial positioning systems of REDUCT Company,this paper quantitatively analyses the error of odometer and the influence of the motion speed of inertial positioning system on its measurement accuracy,provides valuable experience for future engineering practice,and clears up the train of thought for continuously improving and improving the accuracy of three-dimensional inertial positioning system for underground pipelines.
Keywords:inertial positioning;a set of measurements;wheel set correction ratio;dispersion
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