摘 要:针对相控阵雷达射频前端系统中变频模块设计周期长,杂散无法提前预估的特点,采用了一种基于 ADS 软件仿真的方法进行先行计算。并在软件仿真基础上,进行了滤波器的设计,对特定的杂散点进行分析抑制,以便达到系统的整体性能要求。该方法可以对不同频段的上变频模块杂散进行计算仿真,提前预估杂散,对滤波器性能进行特定的设计,避免设计中的反复修改。且可在仿真链路中加入放大器等器件,计算模块增益等指标。节约了成本,缩短了项目周期。
关键词:上变频模块;混频器;滤波器;ADS 仿真
中图分类号:TN773 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)05-0042-04
Simulation and Design of Millimeter Wave Up-Conversion Module
LEI Xingwang,YUAN Qing,YIN Hua
(Nanjing Electronic Devices Institute,Nanjing 210016,China)
Abstract:In view of the characteristics of long design cycle of frequency conversion module in RF front-end system of phased array radar and the unpredictability of stray,a method based on ADS software simulation is adopted for the first calculation. On the basis of software simulation,the design of the filter is carried out,and the specific spurious points are analyzed and suppressed,so as to achieve the overall performance of the system. This method can be used to simulate the stray of up-conversion module in different frequency bands,estimate the stray in advance,and design the performance of the filter in order to avoid repeated modification. In addition,amplifiers and other devices can be added into the simulation link to calculate module gain and other indicators. And save cost and shorten project cycle.
Keywords:up-conversion module;mixer;filter;simulation of ADS
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