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(新疆广播电视局 91612 台,新疆 阿合奇 843500)

摘  要:中短波广播电台机房接地系统主要有工作接地、技术接地(高频接地)、保护接地、避雷接地等系统构成。而对于各种接地系统主要对其接地电阻与接地装置进行分析,通过分析人工接地体、自然接地体、防雷接地的工程埋设,以及各种接地装置埋设方式方法的不同,接地电阻计算方法的不同,助力做好机房接地系统地阻工程设计,进而降低机房接地电阻。对于接地电阻的检测、正确使用接地地阻测试仪的连接和布置方式及测试方法做简要介绍。


中图分类号:TN931;TM862         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)05-0045-05

Analysis on the Grounding System of the Medium and Short Wave Radio Station Room


(91612 Radio and Television Bureau of Xinjiang,Aheqi 843500,China)

Abstract:The grounding system of medium and short wave radio station room mainly consists of working grounding,technical grounding (high frequency grounding),protection grounding,lightning protection grounding and other systems. For various grounding systems,the grounding resistance and grounding devices are mainly analyzed. Through the analysis of the engineering burying of artificial grounding body,natural grounding body and lightning protection grounding,as well as the different burying methods of various grounding devices,and the different calculation methods of grounding resistance,it helps to design the grounding resistance Engineering of the computer room grounding system,so as to reduce the grounding resistance of the computer room. This paper briefly introduces the detection of the grounding resistance,the connection and layout of the correct use of the grounding resistance tester,and the test method.

Keywords:broadcast machine room;grounding resistance;ground resistance test


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