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​“3D 视力”电影院液晶眼镜设计方案
(西安培华学院 智能科学与信息工程学院,陕西 西安 710125)

摘  要:文章以某电子仪器半导体公司的 MCU 芯片为核心部件,以 3D 技术成像原理为基础,对电影院 3D 液晶眼镜系统方案进行了详细的设计,主要介绍了 3D 液晶眼镜系统方案的整体结构与设计原理,重点对 3D 眼镜模块的原理与控制方式,背光控制电路的原理与设计进行设计,最后通过 3D 效果评价标准对本设计方案进行可行性验证,为该项目后期的进一步孵化奠定基础。

关键词:3D 眼镜;透明液晶;3D 显示;MCU

中图分类号:TN27;TN949.192         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)05-0050-03

Design Scheme of LCD Glasses for “3D Vision” Cinema


(Xi’an Peihua University,School of Intelligent Science and Information Engineering,Xi’an 710125,China)

Abstract:Based on the MCU chip of an electronic instrument semiconductor company and the 3D technology imaging principle,this paper designs the 3D liquid crystal glasses system scheme of the cinema in detail,mainly introduces the overall structure and design principle of the 3D liquid crystal glasses system scheme,focuses on the principle and control mode of the 3D glasses module,the principle and design of the backlight control circuit. Finally,the feasibility of the design scheme is verified by 3D effect evaluation standard,which lays the foundation for further incubation in the later stage of the project.

Keywords:3D glasses;transparent liquid crystal;3D display;MCU

基金项目:西安培华学院 2019 年大学生创新训练项目(PHDC2019089)


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汪南(1999.08-),男,汉族,陕西安康人,本 科,学士学位,研究方向:计算机系统开发、嵌入式开发;
