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(广州华佳软件有限公司,广东 广州 511455)

摘  要:在未来的地铁轨道交通中,现代市民的出行要求地铁车站更安全、更便捷和更高效地运行。车站的数字化和智能化水平越来越高,智慧型的车站将是未来趋势所在。要实现地铁车站的智慧化运营,就应对售票类、检票类和客服类AFC 设备进行智能化的升级。近几年来各行业都或多或少地融入了AI 智能,如人脸识别检票、语音购票、语音查询服务等。文章主要对地铁车站中各类AFC 设备中新增加的功能进行了探讨。

关键词:数字化;智能化;AFC 设备;智能检测

中图分类号:U231         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)06-0037-03

Discussion on the New Functions of Terminal Equipment of Future Intelligent Subway Station

ZENG Jianqiang

(Guangzhou Huajia Software Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 511455,China)

Abstract:In the future subway and rail transit,the travel of modern citizens requires the subway station to operate more safely,more conveniently and more efficiently. The digital and intelligent level of the station is getting higher and higher,and the intelligent station will be the future trend. In order to realize the intelligent operation of the subway station,the ticket,ticket checking and customer service AFC equipment should be intelligent upgraded. In recent years,all industries have more or less integrated AI intelligence,such as face recognition ticket checking,voice ticket purchasing,voice query services. This paper mainly discusses the newly added functions of various AFC devices in metro stations.

Keywords:digitization;intelligence;AFC equipment;intelligent detection


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作者简介:曾建强(1985-),男,汉族,广东英德人,就职于新科佳都科技有限公司AGM 产品线,系统工程师,工科学士,研究方向:轨道交通的AFC 设备。