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S 模式二次雷达协同监视功能系统仿真
(1. 中国电子科技集团公司第三十八研究所,安徽 合肥 230088;2. 安徽四创电子股份有限公司,安徽 合肥 230092)

摘  要:S 模式二次雷达协同监视功能是将多个S 模式二次雷达站通过地面通信网络组成集群,集群内的S 模式雷达通过共享目标航迹数据,实现目标的协同捕获和跟踪。文章介绍了一个详细的S 模式二次雷达协同组网仿真系统设计和测试方法,该仿真系统通过采用计算机和以太网模拟了S 模式雷达站点、集群网络和集群控制器,实现了协同监视功能和接口协议,对民航S模式雷达协同组网技术的研究、应用以及测试具有较好的指导意义。

关键词:空中交通管理;S 模式二次雷达;协同监视功能;仿真

中图分类号:TN955+.1         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)06-0039-04

Simulation of S-mode Secondary Radar Cooperative Surveillance System

SHUI Quan1,2,YU Feixia2

(1.The 38th Research Institute of CETC,Hefei 230088,China;2.Anhui Sun Create Electronics Co.,Ltd.,Hefei 230092,China)

Abstract:The cooperative surveillance function of S-mode secondary radar is to form a cluster of multiple S-mode secondary radar stations through the ground communication network. The S-mode radar in the cluster can realize the cooperative acquisition and tracking of the target by sharing the target track data. This paper introduces the design and test method of a detailed S-mode secondary radar cooperative networking simulation system,which simulates the S-mode radar station,cluster network and cluster controller by using computer and Ethernet,realizes the cooperative monitoring function and interface protocol,and has good guidance for the research,application and test of civil aviation S-mode radar cooperative networking technology righteousness.

Keywords:air traffic management;S-mode secondary radar;collaborative monitoring function;simulation


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[2] Annex 10 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation Aeronautical Telecommunications:Volumes IV Surveillance and Collision Avoidance Systems [S].ICAO,2007.

[3] European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation.EUROCONTROL EUROCONTROL Specification for Surveillance Data Exchange-ASTERIX Part 4 Appendix A Category 048:Monoradar Target Reports–REF:EUROCONTROL-SPEC-0149-4A [S/OL].(2017-07-31).https://www.eurocontrol.int/publication/cat048-eurocontrol-specificationsurveillance-data-exchange-asterix-part-4-category-0.

[4] European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation.EUROCONTROL STANDARD DOCUMENT FOR SURVEILLANCE DATA EXCHANGE Part 5:Category 017 Mode S Surveillance Coordination Function Messages:SUR.ET2.ST03.3111-SPC-02-00 [S/OL].(2019-01-01).https://www.eurocontrol.int/publication/cat017-eurocontrol-specification-surveillance-data-exchange-part-5-category-017.

[5] European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation.European Mode S station surveillance co-ordination interface control document:SUR.ET2.ST02.1000-CNP-01-00 [S/OL].(1996-11-28).https://www.eurocontrol.int/publication/european-mode-s-stationsurveillance-co-ordination-interface-control-document.
