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(北京工业大学 信息学部,北京 100124)

摘  要:为了更好地改善焊机焊接效果,通过对焊机对于人机交互界面的应用需要进行分析,以Cortex-F4 内核控制为基础设计人机交互实现方案。最终设计出了焊机的人机交互系统。通过实验表明本设计具备焊机多个模式、多个数据的人机交互功能,同时具备焊接参数的存储与读取功能,在焊机界面应用中具有较好的实用性和通用性,该焊机人机交互系统值得推广。


中图分类号:TG43         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)06-0045-03

Human-computer Interaction System of Multifunctional Digital Welding Machine

YUAN Dongxu,WANG Ying,TANG Zhibo,HUANG Zanzhi

(Department of Informatics,Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100124,China)

Abstract:In order to better improve the welding effect of welding machine,through the analysis of the application needs ofhuman-computer interface of welding machine,the realization scheme of human-computer interaction is designed based on Cortex-F4core control. Finally,the human-computer interaction system of welding machine is designed. The experiment shows that the designhas the function of human-computer interaction of multiple modes and data of welding machine,and has the function of storage and reading of welding parameters. It has better practicability and generality in the application of welding machine interface. The system is worth popularizing.

Keywords:embedded control;human-computer interaction;multimode;LCD


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