摘 要:系统对于稳定直流源供电具有较高要求,但现有直流电流源无法适应新时期电子系统运行要求,实践中具有诸多弊端,研究稳定直流恒流源已经成为当前电子系统发展重要课题。通过对以单片机控制为基础的数控直流恒流源设计进行研究,分析以AT89C51 作为恒流源控制核心,主体为TIP122 达林顿管及OP07 运算放大器,合理配置相应AD7715 的16 位A/D芯片、MAX532 的12 位D/A 芯片及精度较高采样电阻,进而提出借助单片机实时控制检测输出电流的设计模式。
关键词:单片机;恒流源;数字控制;A/D 芯片
中图分类号:TG659;TP368.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)06-0048-03
Design of DC Constant Current Source Based on Single Chip Microcomputer Control
LU Feng
(Guangdong Senior Technical School of Electronic Information,Guangzhou 510450,China)
Abstract:The electronic system has higher requirements for stable DC power supply,but the existing DC current source can notmeet the requirements of the electronic system operation in the new era,and there are many disadvantages in practice. The research on stable DC constant current source has become an important topic in the development of electronic system. Based on the research of the design of the digital control DC constant current source based on the control of single chip microcomputer. In the research,AT89C51 is used as the core of constant current source control,the main body of which is TIP122 Darlington tube and OP07 operational amplifier. The16 bit A/D chip of AD7715,the 12 bit D/A chip of MAX532 and the high precision sampling resistor are reasonably configured to detect the output current through the real-time control of single chip microcomputer.
Keywords:single chip microcomputer;constant current source;digital control;A/D chip
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