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基于SuperMap 的平流层飞艇航迹规划和显示系统设计与实现
(中国电子科技集团公司第二十七研究所,河南 郑州 450047)

摘  要:平流层飞艇与航天、航空飞行器相比,具有成本低、监视范围广、滞空时间长等优点,在很多军用和民用领域具有广阔的应用前景。将平流层的空间位置实时传送到地面站是实现平流层飞艇监视、控制和返回的基础。文章将地理信息系统技术应用到平流层飞行控制中,利用SuperMap Objects 组件包开发了平流层飞艇航迹规划和显示系统,有力支撑了平流层飞艇飞行试验的顺利开展。


中图分类号:V274;TN873         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)07-0049-03

Design and Implementation of Stratospheric Airship Track Planning and Display System Based on SuperMap

SANG Mingyue,ZHAO Yumei

(The 27th Research Institute of China Electronic Science and Technology Group Corporation,Zhengzhou 450047)

Abstract:Compared with aerospace and aerospace vehicles,stratospheric airship has the advantages of low cost,widesurveillance range and long dwell time,which has broad application prospects in military and civil fields such as battlefield situationawareness,intelligence reconnaissance,electronic countermeasures,remote sensing earth observation,natural disaster early warningand prediction,relay communication,etc. The real-time transmission of stratospheric space position to the ground station is the basis of stratospheric airship monitoring,control and return. In this paper,the technology of geographic information system is applied to stratospheric flight control,and the stratospheric airship track planning and display system is developed by using SuperMap Objects component package. The system strongly supports the flight test of stratospheric airship.

Keywords:stratospheric airship;track planning;geographic information system;remote control information;telemetry information


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