摘 要:文章分析了微波干燥原理及特性,设计了一套基于PLC 和触摸屏等设备构成的自动控温干燥箱。利用PLC 编写程序实现PID 控制PWM 输出和SSR 输出,通过控制磁控管的开关状态,实现温度恒定控制;利用变频器对系统参数进行调节和设置,触摸屏监测生产过程中微波干燥箱内的温度和湿度。该设备操作简单,控制方便,自动化程度高,具备一定的推广及应用价值。
关键词:微波干燥箱;PLC;触摸屏;PID 控温
中图分类号:TP273 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)09-0026-04
Design and Research of Microwave Drying Oven Based on PLC Control
ZHU Xuefei
(Xinjiang Shihezi Vocational Technical College,Shihezi 832000,China)
Abstract:This paper analyzes the principle and characteristics of microwave drying,and designs an automatic temperature control drying oven based on PLC and touch screen. The PID control PWM output and SSR output are realized by PLC programming, the temperature constant control is realized by controlling the switch state of the magnetron;the system parameters are adjusted and set by the frequency converter,and the temperature and humidity in the microwave drying box are monitored by the touch screen during the production process. The equipment is easy to operate,easy to control,high degree of automation,and has certain promotion and application value.
Keywords:microwave drying oven;PLC;touch screen;PID temperature control
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