摘 要:通过对比NM7000A 和NM7000B 导航设备两者的差异,从设备原理的角度提出通过更换NM7000A 的差异板件和购置配件打造NM7000B 导航维修实验平台的可能性。然后分别从调整功放位置,更换母版,航向、下滑平台具体接线等硬件改造方面和平台软件调试方面完成基于NM7000A 设备的NM7000B 导航维修实验平台改造。以满足日益增长的NM7000B 设备测试、维修、培训工作需求,为其他机场类似维修平台搭建提供借鉴。
中图分类号:V216.8 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)10-0035-03
Research on the Construction Scheme of NM7000B Experimental Platform
——Building NM7000B Experimental Platform Based on NM7000A Equipment
WU Shigui,FU Jing
(Chongqing Airport Group Co.,Ltd. Navigational Matters Management Department,Chongqing 401120,China)
Abstract:By comparing the differences between the NM7000A and NM7000B navigation devices,explore the possibilityof creating an NM7000B platform by replacing different boards and purchasing accessories based on device principles. Then,thetransformation of NM7000B navigation maintenance experiment platform based on NM7000A equipment is completed from the aspects ofadjusting the position of power amplifier,replacing the master,heading,specific wiring of glide down platform and platform softwaredebugging. This is to meet the growing demand for NM7000B equipment testing,maintenance and training requirement,and provide areference for other airports which need to build similar maintenance platforms.
Keywords:instrument landing system;navigation equipment;maintenance;platform
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