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(交通运输部东海航海保障中心 厦门航标处,福建 厦门 361012)

摘  要:航标灯是安装在航标上的一类交通灯,在夜间发出规定的灯光颜色和闪光频率(频率可以为0),达到规定的照射角度和能见距,对夜行的船舶进行指引。文章对厦门航标处辖区航标灯器进行介绍,分析故障,并提出提升航标灯器工作效能建议,以期有助于保持航标的技术效能,保障航标导航、助航功能,提高航标管理水平。


中图分类号:U644.4         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)10-0044-03

Discussion on the Failure of Beacon Light and Its Countermeasures

LI Chengming,LAN Jianqiang

(Donghai Navigation Safty Administration(DNSA)MOT,Xiamen Navigation Mark Office,Xiamen 361012,China)

Abstract:Beacon light is a kind of traffic light installed on the beacon. It emits the specified light color and flash frequency (the frequency can be 0) at night,reaches the specified illumination angle and visibility distance,and guides the ships traveling at night. This paper introduces the beacon lighters in Xiamen navigation mark office,analyzes the faults,and puts forward suggestions to improve the working efficiency of the beacon lighters,so as to help maintain the technical efficiency of the beacon,guarantee the navigation function of the beacon and improve the management level of the beacon.

Keywords:beacon light device;beacon management;efficiency improvement


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