摘 要:通过对电路输出电压波形进行实时的监控与分析,用来提高系统的可靠性和安全性。分别使用Python 的Flask 框架设计与实现对电路健康状态评估构建实时展示和记录的系统;使用Python 对电路进行数学建模仿真,可以快速实现电路原始输出数据的收集;使用Python 中的TensorFlow 实现神经网络模型诊断电路故障,并使用网页页面展示诊断结果。工作人员可以通过前端展示的诊断结果,及时处理有问题的元器件,保证电路的稳定和可靠,避免损耗其他的不必要的资源。
中图分类号:TN710 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)10-0047-04
Circuit Health Monitoring System Based on Python
LI Jianyong,LI Sheng
(School of Science,Jiangxi University of Science and Technology,Ganzhou 341000,China)
Abstract:By monitoring and analyzing the output voltage waveform of the circuit in real time,the reliability and safety of the system can be improved. Flask framework of Python was used to design and implement real-time display and recording system for circuit health assessment. Python is used for mathematical modeling and simulation of the circuit,which can quickly realize the collection of original output data of the circuit. TensorFlow in Python is used to realize neural network model to diagnose circuit faults,and webpage is used to display the diagnosis results. Through the diagnosis results displayed on the front end,the staff can deal with the problematic components in time to ensure the stability and reliability of the circuit and avoid the loss of other unnecessary resources.
Keywords:fault diagnosis;machine learning;simulation;Python
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