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一种基于UWB 技术的煤矿人员定位系统解决方案
(1. 中煤科工集团常州研究院有限公司,江苏 常州 213015;2. 北斗天地股份有限公司山东分公司,山东 济宁 273500)

摘  要:文章针对煤矿人员定位系统,进行了多种定位技术的调查。调查发现,超宽带技术更适合煤矿人员定位,进而对超宽带技术进行了研究,并对超宽带定位的算法进行分析。结合煤矿井下实际情况,研究制定一套基于超宽带技术的煤矿人员定位系统的解决方案,包括系统的总体架构、软件方案和硬件方案。对整套解决方案进行了实测,实验结果表明所设计系统能够满足煤矿人员定位场景的需求和设计指标要求,达到了良好的性能。


中图分类号:TN92         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)21-0031-05

A Solution of Coal Mine Personnel Positioning System Based on UWB Technology

ZHENG Xiaolei 1,WANG Jinman 2

(1.China Coal Research Institute Changzhou Automatization Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Changzhou 213015,China;2.Shandong Branch of Beidou Tiandi Co.,Ltd.,Jining 273500,China)

Abstract:Aiming at the coal mine personnel positioning system,this paper carries out a variety of positioning technology investigation. The investigation found that the UWB technology is more suitable for coal mine personnel positioning,and then conducted research on UWB technology,and analyzed the algorithm of UWB positioning. Combining with the actual conditions of coal mines,research and formulate a set of solutions for coal mine personnel positioning system based on UWB technology,including the overall architecture of the system,software solutions and hardware solutions. The actual measurement of the whole set of solutions shows that the designed system can meet the needs of coal mine personnel positioning scene and design index requirements,and achieve good performance.

Keywords:coal mine;safe production;personnel positioning system;UWB;solution


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