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无线桥接技术中Bridge 与WDS 差异分析
(敦煌研究院 网络中心,甘肃 敦煌 736200)

摘  要:为研究无线桥接技术在网络连接中的运用方法,对市场常见无线设备的Bridge 与WDS 功能进行了解读。结合无线网络深度覆盖技术在莫高窟的应用研究实践,通过分析AC+FIT 和FAT AP 桥接实例了解不同功能实现情况,从操作条件、方法和功能实现三个角度对Bridge 与WDS 的差异展开了分析。从研究结果来看,WDS 具有配置简单、信息安全等诸多优势,可以满足无线网络深度覆盖需求。


中图分类号:TN92         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)21-0036-04

The Difference Analysis between Bridge and WDS in Wireless Bridging Technology

WANG Longzhen

(Dunhuang Academy Network Center,Dunhuang 736200,China)

Abstract:In order to study the application method of wireless bridging technology in network connection,the Bridge and WDS functions of common wireless devices in the market are interpreted. Combining the application research practice of wireless network deep coverage technology in Mogao Grottoes,through analyzing AC+FIT and FAT AP bridging examples to understand the realization of different functions,the difference between Bridge and WDS is expanded from the three perspectives of operating conditions,methods and function realization analysis. From the research results,WDS has many advantages,such as simple configuration,information security and so on,and can meet the needs of wireless network deep coverage.

Keywords:wireless bridging technology;Bridge;WDS;wireless AP

基金项目:敦煌研究院2017 年科技类一般项目(2017-KJ-YB-9)


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