摘 要:5G 是时下热门技术,它实现了与社会千百行业的融合发展,边缘计算作为5G 的关键技术之一,在企业、医院及高校都有不同程度的应用。文章总结了“智慧校园”的核心概念、主要特点及国内外发展现状,分析了“智慧校园”建设中存在的问题并给出了对策建议,介绍了5G 边缘计算技术的发展和特点,分析了该技术的实践部署和应用问题,给出了智慧校园的总体架构设计和两类典型应用场景实例,最后文章分析了可能面临的安全风险,并对下一步工作做出了总结和展望。
中图分类号:TN929.5;G647 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)21-0039-06
Research on the Application of 5G Edge Computing Technology in Smart Campus
HAN Songyue,HUANG Wei,LI Lifu
(Communication Sergeant School of Army Engineering University of PLA,Chongqing 400035,China)
Abstract:5G is a popular technology nowadays,which realizes the integration development with thousands of industries in society. As one of the key technologies of 5G,edge computing has been applied in enterprises,hospitals and universities to varying degrees. The paper summarizes the core concept,main characteristics and development status of “smart campus” at home and abroad,analyzes the problems existing in the construction of “smart campus” and gives countermeasures and suggestions,introduces the development and characteristics of 5G edge computing technology,analyzes the practical deployment and application problems of the technology,and gives the overall architecture design of smart campus and two typical application scenarios. Finally,the paper analyzes the possible security risks,and makes a summary and outlook for the next work.
Keywords:5G;edge computing;smart campus
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作者简介:韩松岳(1993—),男,汉族,陕西宝鸡人,助理工程师,硕士研究生在读,研究方向:5G 移动通信技术、边缘计算。