摘 要:Arduino UNO 控制多个LED 实验在硬件连接不变的情况下,通过改变程序实现多种特效,展现不同的效果。将各项功能封装成不同的模块,初始化模块和其他功能模块组合可实现不同的功能特效。通过项目实例化教学手段举一反三引导学生深入思考,加深理解,让学生敢于灵活使用和改变程序,使学习过程更加生动。通过对功能模块设计和分析,Arduino UNO控制多个LED 特效模块,达到操作使用简单明了,特效清晰直观的效果。
关键词:Arduino UNO;LED;项目实例化;模块化
中图分类号:TP211;TN873 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)22-0045-03
Arduino UNO Controls Multiple LEDs to Achieve Multiple Special Effects
LI Na1,MENG Dongxiao2
(1.Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Tianjin Hedong District Staff and Workers University,Tianjin 300162,China;2.Coficab(Tianjin)Co.,Ltd.,Tianjin 301726,China)
Abstract:Arduino UNO controls multiple LED experiments,under the condition that the hardware connection remains unchanged,various special effects are realized by changing the program to show different effects. The various functions are packaged into different modules,and the initialization module and other function modules are combined to achieve different function special effects.Through the teaching method of project instantiation,we can draw inferences from one instance,guide students to think deeply,deepen their understanding,let students dare to use and change the program flexibly,and make the learning process more vivid. Through the design and analysis of functional modules,Arduino UNO controls multiple LED special effect modules to achieve the effect of simple operation and clear and intuitive special effects.
Keywords:Arduino UNO;LED;project instantiation;modularization
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