摘 要:煤矿开采中,使用液压支架对工作面顶板进行支护。当支架承受压力过大时,易发生倒架、顶板坍塌等事故。为预防此类事故,对液压支架的压力监测进行了研究。针对目前压力监测存在的布线困难、可靠性差等问题,采用ARM 主控芯片、LoRa 无线技术、工业以太网,设计了无线监测系统网关。此网关无线巡检压力监测装置,通过以太网上报监测数据,可靠有效地监测了液压压力。
关键词:液压支架;压力监测;LoRa 无线技术;工业以太网
中图分类号:TD67;TN91 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)22-0048-03
Design of Gateway for Wireless Monitoring System of Coal Mine
Hydraulic Support Pressure
XU Yanhan,LAN Xizhu,YANG Yong,WANG Yu,LI Chengjun
(School of Mechanical Electronic & Information Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing,Beijing 100083,China)
Abstract:In coal mining,hydraulic support is used to support the roof of working face. When the support is under too much pressure,it is prone to accidents such as frame collapse and roof collapse. In order to prevent such accidents,the pressure monitoring of hydraulic support is studied. Aiming at the current pressure monitoring problems such as wiring difficulties and poor reliability,the ARM master chip,LoRa wireless technology,and industrial Ethernet are used to design a wireless monitoring system gateway. The gateway wireless inspection pressure monitoring device reports monitoring data through Ethernet,which can reliably and effectively monitor the hydraulic pressure.
Keywords:hydraulic support;pressure monitoring;LoRa wireless technology;industrial Ethernet
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