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基于LoRa 技术的校园火情监测系统
(曲阜师范大学 网络空间安全学院,山东 曲阜 273165)

摘  要:为预防校园火情,减少发生火情的损失,设计了一款基于远距离无线电技术的校园火情监测系统,说明了该火情监测系统的网络拓扑以及底层硬件与上层软件,并以校园内的大楼与学生宿舍作为对象进行测试,结果表明该系统实时、可靠,具有很高的准确率,可有效地监测目标范围的温度情况,若超出正常范围则发出警报,同时可以知晓火情发生的具体位置,可以为校园提供有效的火情预防措施。


中图分类号:TP277          文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)23-0031-04

Campus Fire Monitoring System Based on LoRa Technology

HUAI Tianyu

(School of Cyber Science and Engineering,Qufu Normal University,Qufu 273165,China)

Abstract:In order to prevent campus fire and reduce the loss of fire,a campus fire monitoring system based on LoRa technology is designed. The network topology,bottom hardware and upper software of the fire monitoring system are described,the buildings and dormitories in the campus are tested. The results show that the system is real-time,reliable and has high accuracy. It can effectively monitor the temperature of the target range. If it exceeds the normal range,it will give an alarm. At the same time,it can know the specific location of the fire. It can provide effective fire prevention measures for the campus.

Keywords:LoRa;fire monitoring;campus fire;wireless


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