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基于STM32 的无线运动传感节点设计
(山东华宇工学院,山东 德州 253034)

摘  要:针对医疗、体育训练等过程中的身体指标监测问题,设计了基于ADS1292 和LMT70 的无线运动传感器节点, 其中温度测量模块、心率监测模块实现了实时采集人体心电信号、体表温度,运动记录模块使用MPU6050 芯片结合卡尔曼滤波算法来实现人体运动信息精准检测,最后STM32 将以上信息通过CC2652RB 蓝牙芯片发送给服务器(手机)并由自主开发的APP 实时显示,同时还设计了心跳、体温异常等信息的语音提醒等功能,实验结果表明系统运行稳定,测量精度可满足实际要求。

关键词:心率检测;温度测量;运动姿态检测;无线传输;APP 显示

中图分类号:TP212.9;TN929.5         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)24-0035-04

Design of Wireless Motion Sensor Node Based on STM32

GAO Tianxue

(Shandong Huayu University of Technology,Dezhou 253034,China)

Abstract:Aiming at the problem of body index monitoring in the process of medical treatment and physical training,a wireless motion sensor node based on ADS1292 and LMT70 is designed. Thereinto,temperature measurement module and heart rate monitoring module realize real-time acquisition of human ECG signals and shell temperature,the motion recording module uses MPU6050 chip and combining with Kalman filtering algorithm to realize an accurate detection of human motion information. Finally,STM32 sends the above information to the server(mobile phone)through CC2652RB Bluetooth chip and displays it in real time by the self-developed APP. And at the same time,it also designs the voice reminder function on the information of heartbeat,abnormal body temperature etc. Experiments results show that the system’s running is stable,and the measurement accuracy can meet the actual requirements.

Keywords:heart rate detection;temperature measurement;motion gesture detection;wireless transmission;APP display

基金项目:山东华宇工学院教研项目(2020JG29);2019 年度德州市市级研发计划项目


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