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(谢菲尔德大学,英国 谢菲尔德 S10 2TN)

摘  要:随着光纤传感技术的日趋成熟,人们的目光纷纷转向光纤传感器的研发。与电学传感器一样,光纤传感器可以探测到许多不同类型的物理信息。其中用于探测空气中声波的被称之为光纤麦克风。文章介绍的是膜片式非本征型法布里- 帕罗(F-P)干涉仪光纤麦克风。该光纤麦克风以光为传播介质,在传输过程中不受电磁和电源波动等外界因素的干扰,在很多恶劣环境下均可使用,并且制造成本低,可复用,具有广阔的应用前景。


中图分类号:TN641;TP212        文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)24-0039-04

Preparation and Acoustic Characteristic Test of Diaphragm Type Interferometer Microphone

FAN Qingshan

(The University of Sheffield,Sheffield S10 2TN,UK)

Abstract:With the increasing maturity of optical fiber sensing technology,people’s eyes turn to the development of optical fiber sensors in succession. Like the electrical sensors,optical fiber sensors can detect many different types of physical information. The one that detects sound waves in the air is called a optical fiber microphone. What is introduced in the article is a diaphragm type extrinsic Fabry- Perot(F-P)interferometer optical fiber microphone. This optical fiber microphone uses light as the propagation medium,and will not be interfered by the external factors such as electromagnetic and power supply fluctuation during the transmission process. It can be used in many severe environments,and is low in production cost,can be reused,and has broad application prospects.

Keywords:optical fiber microphone;EFPI;UV cured film;reflected light interference


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作者简介:范青山(1998.02—),女,汉族,广东乐昌人, 硕士研究生在读,研究方向:半导体器件。