摘 要:随着 THALES 雷达系统的运行和设备的老化,一些故障点也不断出现,针对 THALES 雷达监控系统在运行过程中出现的问题,分析并经过试验,找到了造成监控系统故障的原因,对监控系统校时的原理进行了深入分析,同时发现了监控校时方案存在某些方面的缺陷,针对监控系统出现的故障和校时方案存在的缺陷,提出了一种对监控系统校时的改进方案,有效弥补了监控系统的缺陷。
关键词:监控系统;校时;STM;LTM;THALES 雷达
中图分类号:V19 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)04-0035-04
Improved Scheme of THALES Radar Monitoring System Timing
FENG Falong
(China Civil Aviation Central South China Air Traffic Administration Hubei Branch,Wuhan 432200,China)
Abstract:With the operation of THALES radar systems and the aging of equipments,some fault points are also constantly appearing. Aiming at the problems existed in the operation of THALES radar monitoring system,through analyzing and testing,the causes that result in the fault of the monitoring system are found,a deep analysis of the principle of the monitoring system timing is made. At the same time,it finds some defects in the monitoring timing scheme. Aiming at the faults occurred in monitoring system and the shortcomings existed in timing scheme,an improved scheme for monitoring system timing is proposed,which effectively makes up for the defects of the monitoring system.
Keywords:monitoring system;timing;STM;LTM;THALES radar
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作者简介:冯发龙(1988—),男,汉族,甘肃武威人,工程 师,本科,主要研究方向:民航监视技术。