摘 要:随着物联网时代的到来,物物相连已成为趋势,而大多数物联网终端设备采用的是 RS-232/485/422 通信协议。在现有基于 TCP/IP 的 Internet 网络基础上完成物联网信息的传输和交换,可以节约大量的人力、物力,而串口服务器是为各种串口电平(例如 TTL、232、485 和 422 等)到以太网网络之间完成数据转换的通信接口转换器。本设计基于 Zynq FPGA 研制了一种可连接 PLC、集中器和串口传感器等的 16 路串口服务器。该设计以 Xilinx 的 Zynq FPGA 为硬件平台,实现了 16 路串口到网口的通信。
中图分类号:TP393 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)04-0039-05
Design of 16 Channel Serial Device Server Based on Zynq
WANG Pengtao1 ,MENG Haicheng2 ,MING Qi 3
(1.Henan Taijitong Engineering Construction Co.,Ltd.,Zhengzhou 450003,China;2.Zhengzhou Business Technician Institute, Zhengzhou 450100,China;3.The 713th Research Institute of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation,Zhengzhou 450052,China)
Abstract:With the advent of the internet of things era,things are linked together has become a trend,then the most of the internet of things terminal equipments use RS-232/485/422 communication protocol. It completes the transmission and exchange of internet of things information on the basis of the existing Internet network based on TCP/IP,and can save a lot of manpower and material resources. However,the serial device server is a communication interface converter to complete the data conversion between various serial interface electrical level(for example TTL、232、485 and 422)and Ethernet network. Based on Zynq FPGA,a 16 channel serial device server is developed,which can connect PLC,concentrator and serial interface sensor. The design takes the Zynq FPGA of Xilinx as the hardware platform to realize the communication from 16 channel serial interface to network ports.
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作者简介:王朋涛(1981—),男,汉族,河南郑州人,助理 工程师,硕士,研究方向:电子信息工程。