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(广州软件学院,广东 广州 510990)

摘  要:随着电子设备信号传输速率的提高,电路板布线密度增大,PCB 设计对信号完整性的影响越来越大。为了解决电子产品设计初期信号完整性问题,以 DDR4 高速并行总线为例,改变 DDR4 数据传输线 PCB 设计参数,采用无码间干扰方法仿真测试,得到合理的 PCB 布线方法,提高信号的完整性。同时对网络负载端阻抗不匹配问题进行 RC 并联阻抗匹配优化,有效地解决高速信号完整性问题。

关键词:信号完整性;PCB 设计;DDR4;无码间干扰


基金项目:2020 年广东高校教师特色创新 研究项目(2020DZXX07)

中图分类号:TN41                                       文献标志码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2021)04-0043-05

Research on High-speed Circuit Board Design Based on Signal Integrity Simulation

LI Fang

(Software Engineering Institute of Guangzhou,Guangzhou 510990,China)

Abstract:With the increase of signal transmission rate of electronic equipments and the increase of wiring density of circuit board,the influence of PCB design on signal integrity is becoming greater and greater. In order to solve the signal integrity problem in the initial stage of electronic product design,taking DDR4 high-speed parallel bus as an example,change the PCB design parameters of DDR4 data transmission line,and adopt non inter-code interference method to carry out the simulation test,so as to obtain a reasonable PCB wiring method and improve the signal integrity. At the same time,in view of the problem of impedance mismatch of the network load,the RC parallel impedance matching optimization is carried out to solve effectively the problem of high-speed signal integrity.

Keywords:signal integrity;PCB design;DDR4;non inter-code interference


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作者简介:李芳(1982.06—),女,汉族,广东梅州人,电 子系教师,讲师,硕士,研究方向:电子技术。