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(贵州电子信息职业技术学院,贵州 凯里 556000)

摘  要:微电网是一种将分布式发电、储能装置、交直流负载、监控保护装置等有机结合在一起的小型配电系统,通过与配电网的信息交换,可以大大提高配电系统供电的可靠性与灵活性。不断完善微网接入标准,实现微电网与配电网的协调控制与发展,提高电网运行的经济性,是未来电网的重要任务之一。文章讨论基于高校实训室的模块化智能微电网的系统结构、运行方式与能源管理。



中图分类号:TM727                                   文献标识码:A                                      文章编号:2096-4706(2021)05-0063-04

Research on Modularization Intelligent Microgrid System Based on Distributed Generation

ZHU Gaowei

(Guizhou Vocational Technology College of Electronics & Information,Kaili 556000,China)

Abstract:Microgrid is a kind of small power distribution system which combines distributed generation,energy storage device, AC/DC load,monitoring and protection device together organically. Through information exchange with power distribution network, the reliability and flexibility of power supply of power distribution system can be greatly improved. One of the important tasks of the future power grid is to continuously improve the access standard of microgrid,so as to realize the coordinated control and development of microgrid and power distribution network,and improve the economy of power grid operation. This paper discusses the system structure, operation mode and energy management of modularization intelligent microgrid based on university training room.

Keywords:distributed generation;modularization;intelligent microgrid


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作者简介:朱高伟(1988—),男,汉族,河南洛阳人,讲师, 本科,研究方向:自动化分析、机器学习等。