摘 要:150 kW 短波发射机依靠电感和电容实现调谐,其中 8 路盘型线圈作为调谐允许误差较小的粗调电感,其实际位置对调谐结果影响较大,而由于各种原因,现有的计数显示并不能很好地反映实际位置。这会使安全播出工作留下严重隐患,因此在发射机维护过程中需要不断思考和改善对电感的精准定位,提升倒频效率以及设备和播出的安全性。文章结合工作实际,比较了多种方法,确定了利用漫反射光纤进行精准定位的可行性和可靠性。
中图分类号:TN931 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)05-0070-03
Exploration on Accurate Positioning of Disk Inductor in Shortwave Transmitter
RUAN Xiang
(State Administration of Radio and Television 831 Radio Station,Jinhua 321100,China)
Abstract:150 kW shortwave transmitter relies on inductor and capacitance to achieve tuning,in which 8-way disk coil is used as coarse tuning inductor with small tuning error,and its actual position plays an important role in tuning results. However, due to various reasons,the existing counting display can not reflect the actual position well. This will leave serious hidden dangers in the safe broadcasting work,so in the process of transmitter maintenance,we need to constantly think about and improve the accurate positioning of the inductor,improve the efficiency of frequency inversion and the safety of equipment and broadcasting. This paper combines with the actual work,the feasibility and reliability of using diffuse reflection fiber for accurate positioning are determined by comparing various methods.
Keywords:shortwave transmitter;optical fiber;inductor;accurate positioning
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作者简介:阮翔(1982—),男,汉族,浙江金华人,工程师, 本科,研究方向:短波发射机运行维护。