摘 要:发射机是一种用低频有效信号对高频载波信号进行调制,而后将其变为中心频率上具备一定带宽并且能经过天线发射的电磁波的装置。发射机依照调制方法可分为调频、调幅、调相和脉冲调制四大类。故该文要做的是以芯片 BA1404 为核心器件,设计一种发射频率为 100 MHz 的调频发射机。该调频发射机包括信息识别与提取电路,音频控制与调制电路,射频振荡和功率放大电路等部分,可将载波信号调制成调频波并发射出去。
关键词:调频;发射机;PCB 设计;BA1404
中图分类号:TN934 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)06-0036-07
The Design of 100 MHz High Frequency Transmitter
XIONG Longyu
(School of Physics and Electronic Information,Anhui Normal University,Wuhu 241002,China)
Abstract:The transmitter is a device that modulates the high frequency carrier signal with low frequency effective signal,and then converts it into an electromagnetic wave device with a certain bandwidth at the central frequency and can be transmitted through the antenna. According to the modulation method,the transmitter can be divided into four categories:frequency modulation,amplitude modulation,phase modulation and pulse modulation. Therefore,taking the chip BA1404 as the core device,this paper designs a frequency-modulation transmitter with the emission frequency of 100 MHz. The frequency-modulation transmitter includes information recognition and extraction circuit,audio control and modulation circuit,radio frequency oscillation and power amplifier circuit and other parts,which can modulate carrier signal into frequency modulation wave and transmit it out.
Keywords:frequency modulation;transmitter;PCB design;BA1404
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作者简介:熊龙雨(2000—),男,汉族,安徽六安人,本 科,研究方向:电子信息工程。