摘 要:文章提出了一种超宽带射频开关拓扑结构,利用该拓扑结构,设计了一款基于氮化镓单片工艺的超宽带(17 ~ 35 GHz)双刀双掷功率开关芯片,同一芯片上集成了射频收发切换开关和极化开关。在片测试结果显示,该芯片在整个频段内的插入损耗典型值为 2.5 dB,隔离度典型值为 27 dB。装配测试表明该芯片的输入 P0.1 dB 为 40 dBm,具有较高的耐功率能力。芯片尺寸仅为 3×2.5 mm2。该功率开关芯片可广泛应用于多功能雷达射频组件中,用于发射 / 接收的切换和极化方向的选择。
中图分类号:TM564 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)06-0048-04
Ultra Wideband DPDT GaN Power Switch Chip
DAI Jian,ZHANG Zhongshan
(The 13th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation,Shijiazhuang 050000,China)
Abstract:This paper presents a ultra wideband topology for RF switch. Using this topology,a ultra wideband(17 ~ 35 GHz)DPDT power switch chip is designed based on GaN monolithic process,RF transceiver switch and polarization switch are integrated on the same chip. On-wafer measurement results show a typical insertion loss and isolation of 2.5 dB and 27 dB over the entire frequency band. The assembly test shows that the input P0.1 dB of the chip is 40 dBm,and it has high power endurance. The chip size is only 3×2.5 mm2 . The power switch chip can be widely used in multi-function radar RF module for transmitting/receiving switching and polarization direction selection.
Keywords:ultra wideband;RF switch;DPDT;insertion loss;power endurance
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作者简介:戴剑(1989—),男,汉族,江苏扬中人,工程师, 硕士,研究方向:集成电路设计。