摘 要:本文主要从150KW 的短波发射机易出现较大驻波比的基础理论入手,对这一难题予以深度的分析及研究,进而针对150KW 的短波发射机出现较大VSWR 的这一问题制定出相关解决对策,以保障150KW 短波发射机的实际VSWR 处于标准区间内。
中图分类号:TN838 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)05-0038-02
Solution to the Problem of 150KW Short Wave Transmitter Overstanding VSWR
WU Yibin
(State Administration of Radio and Television 831 Radio Station,Lanxi 321100,China)
Abstract:This paper,starting with the basic theory of in the short wave transmitter of 150KW,gives a deep analysis and research on this problem,and then formulates relevant solutions to the problem of the larger VSWR in 150KW short wave transmitter,in order to ensure that the actual VSWR of the 150KW short wave transmitter is in the standard area inside.
Keywords:150KW;short wave transmitter;VSWR(voltage standing wave ratio)
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作者简介:吴宜斌(1973.08-),男,浙江兰溪人,工程师,本科,研究方向:150KW 短波发射机自动化改进与维护。