摘 要:在裂片工艺是LED 芯片制程中的重要环节,劈裂的好坏不仅对制程良率有很大影响,同时也会对晶粒的光电性产生较大影响。本文针对4 英寸GaN 基底的小尺寸芯片,分析了劈裂不良对芯片光电性的影响,并提出了一种有效提升产品劈裂良率的裂片方法,从而保证产品的可靠性。
关键词:小尺寸LED 芯片;劈裂方式;可靠性
中图分类号:TN312.8 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)05-0040-02
A Breaking Mode for Effectively Improving the Reliabilityof the Small Size LED Chip
ZHOU Ting1,MA Jieyuan2,ZHANG Zhen2
(1.Beilin District of Xi’an Creative Industry Development Co.,Ltd.,Xi’an 710068,China;2.Xi’an BIO-pharmaceutical Incubator Co.,Ltd.,Xi’an 710077,China)
Abstract:The break is an important part of the LED chip process. The quality of the break not only has a great influence on the process yield,but also has a great influence on the photoelectric properties of the chip. Based on the small size chip of 4-inch GaN substrate,this paper analyzed the influence of breaking defects on the photoelectric properties of the chip,and proposed a breaking mode to effectively improve the breaking yield of the product,so as to ensure the reliability of the product.
Keywords:small size LED chip;breaking mode;reliability
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