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Casio FX-5800P 图根导线控制测量电子手簿
(中国电建集团成都勘测设计研究院有限公司,四川 成都 610072)

摘  要:对 Casio FX-5800P 计算器的类结构化 BASIC 编程语言、数据存储结构及图根导线控制测量相关理论、规范进行了研究,并将相关参数进行了量化分析,编制基于 Casio FX-5800P 平台的图根导线控制测量记录软件,详细阐述了软件的算法,列举了部分源代码,实现了图根导线测量与电磁波测距三角高程测量同步进行,在测量过程中根据输入仪器观测数据自动计算各项观测限差,限差超限,即提示进行返测。

关键词:图根导线;电磁波测距三角高程测量;电子手簿;Casio FX-5800P


中图分类号:P209                                         文献标识码:A                                      文章编号:2096-4706(2021)08-0030-04

Data Recorder of Figure Root Traverse Control Survey Based on Casio FX-5800P

FU Jianbo

(Chengdu Engineering Corporation Limited,Chengdu 610072,China)

Abstract:This paper studies the class structured BASIC programming language of Casio FX-5800P calculator,the data storage structure,and the related theories and specification of figure root traverse control survey,and makes a quantitative analysis of the related parameters. The recording software of figure root traverse control survey based on the Casio FX-5800P platform is developed. The algorithm of the software is described in detail,and part of the source code is enumerated,so that figure root traverse survey with electromagnetic distance measurement trigonometric leveling are implemented synchronously. During the measurement process,the various observation tolerances are automatically calculated according to the input instrument observation data. When the tolerance exceeds the limit,it is suggested to carry out the back survey.

Keywords:figure root traverse;electromagnetic distance measurement trigonometric leveling;data recorder;Casio FX-5800P


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作者简介:符建波(1984—),男,汉族,河南内乡人,中级 工程师,本科,研究方向:工程测量。