摘 要:文章分析了边灯式 FOD 探测设备伺服控制系统的特点,从转台框架设计、伺服控制器硬件设计和伺服控制器软件设计三个方面介绍了伺服控制系统的设计与实现。结构上采用步进电机经行星减速机构及齿轮副减速的形式,伺服控制器硬件采用 TMS320F28335 作为主处理芯片,软件采用模块化方法进行设计和实现。该伺服控制系统已完成实现,并已通过了高低温及振动冲击环境试验,能够满足工作方式、精度、环境适应性和远程更新等需求。
中图分类号:TP273+.5;TP29 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)08-0042-04
Design of a Servo Control System of Side Lamp FOD Detection Equipment
SANG Qinghua,ZHU Weilin
(The 38th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation,Hefei 230088,China)
Abstract:This paper analyzes the characteristics of servo control system of side lamp FOD detection equipment,and introduces the design and implementation of servo control system from three aspects:turntable frame design,servo controller hardware design and servo controller software design. In the structure,the stepping motor is decelerated by planetary reduction mechanism and gear pair, the hardware of servo controller adopts TMS320F28335 as the main processing chip,and the software is designed and implemented by modular method. The servo control system has been realized and has passed the environmental tests of high and low temperature and vibration shock,which can meet the requirements of working mode,accuracy,environmental adaptability and remote update.
Keywords:FOD;turntable structure design;servo controller;servo control software
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作者简介:桑青华(1986—),女,汉族,河南商丘人,工程 师,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:伺服控制设计。