摘 要:随着机场飞行量的快速增长,机场交通管制工作的难度越来越大,对设备的要求也随之提高。停止排灯控制功能是灯光引导功能的重要组成部分,可实现远程控制机场场面的助航灯光系统,能够为民航机场管制工作提供帮助。该文介绍了灯光引导功能中停止排灯控制功能的基本情况、技术实现和软件接口,并对停止排灯控制功能运行的风险进行了分析。该文以首都机场停止排灯控制功能为例进行了分析研究,为类似系统的设计和应用提供参考。
中图分类号:TP212.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)08-0045-03
Research on the Stop Lamp Control Function of A-SMGCS System in Capital Airport
YANG Junyi
(CAAC North China Air Traffic Management Bureau,Beijing 100621,China)
Abstract:With the rapid growth of airport flight volume,the work of airport traffic control is becoming more and more difficult, and the requirements of equipment are also increased. The stop lamp control function is an important part of the light guidance function, which can realize the remote control of the airport scene AIDS navigation light system,and can provide help for the civil aviation airport control work. This paper introduces the basic situation,technical realization and software interface of stop lamp control function in light guiding function,and analyzes the risk of stop lamp control function operation. In this paper,the control function of the stop lamp in the capital airport is analyzed,so as to provide reference for the design and application of the similar system.
Keywords:light guidance;navigational light;remote control;information interaction
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作者简介:杨珺一(1984—),男,满族,北京人,主任工程 师,本科,研究方向:民航空管自动化系统。