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基于 5G 通信的低通滤波器设计与实现
(台州广播电视大学,浙江 台州 318001)

摘  要:目前,5G 通信技术已经广泛应用于手机通信、人机交互、视频传输中,随着 5G 通信技术的飞速发展,对硬件器件整体性能要求也逐渐提高。滤波器在基于 5G 的通信技术中起着重要作用,通常运用于抑制通信信号干扰。由此,性能高、体积小的滤波器已经成为元器件领域研究的重点问题。文章在介绍了 LTCC 技术和低通滤波器原型的基础上,提出了滤波器电路模型设计方案,能够满足 5G 通信对元器件高性能要求。



中图分类号:TN713;TN929.5                        文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2021)08-0051-03

Design and Implementation of Low-pass Filter Based on 5G Communication


(Taizhou Radio and Television University,Taizhou 318001,China)

Abstract:At present,5G communication technology has been widely used in mobile communication,human-computer interaction and video transmission. With the rapid development of 5G communication technology,the overall performance requirements of hardware devices are also gradually improved. Filter plays an indispensable role in 5G based communication technology,which is usually used to suppress the interference of communication signal. Therefore,the filter with high performance and small size has become a key study issue in the field of components. Based on the introduction of LTCC technology and the prototype of low-pass filter,this paper proposes the design scheme of filter circuit model,which can meet the high performance requirements of 5G communication components.

Keywords:5G;communications technology;filtering technology


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作者简介:陈君(1986.12—),男,汉族,浙江温岭人,助教, 硕士研究生,研究方向:通信工程、5G、教育信息化。