摘 要:整流电路是将交流电转换为直流电的电路,是“模拟电子技术”中非常重要的知识。整流电路主要有单相半波整流、单相全波整流和单相桥式整流电路三种。Multisim 软件是电路设计中经常用的仿真工具,有助于演示和改进设计效果。文章主要介绍单相半波整流、单相全波整流和单相桥式整流电路的工作原理,并利用 Multisim 仿真软件对三种整流电路进行电路仿真设计和效果分析。
中图分类号:TN7;TP391.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)09-0023-04
Design and Analysis of Rectifying Circuit Based on Multisim
ZHAO Wenjie
(Weifang University,Weifang 261061,China)
Abstract:Rectifying circuit is a circuit that converts alternating current into direct current. It is a very important knowledge in “Analog Electronic Technology”. There are three kinds of rectifying circuits:single-phase half-wave rectification,single-phase fullwave rectification and single-phase bridge rectifier. Multisim software is a simulation tool often used in circuit design,which is helpful to demonstrate and improve the design effect. This paper mainly introduces the working principle of single-phase half-wave rectification, single-phase full-wave rectification and single-phase bridge rectifier circuit,and carries out circuit simulation design and effect analysis of three kinds of rectifier circuits by using Multisim simulation software
Keywords:Multisim;rectifying circuit;half-wave rectification;full-wave rectification;bridge rectifier
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作者简介:赵文杰(1989.04—),女,汉族,山东青州人,助教, 工学硕士,研究方向:计算机视觉、图像处理等。