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基于 NB-IOT 的粮仓虫害监测系统设计
(攀枝花学院,四川 攀枝花 617000)

摘  要:现阶段粮仓虫害监测方式单一,存在效率低、稳定性差等问题。凭借 NB-IOT 低功耗、低成本等特点,设计一款基于 NB-IOT 的粮仓虫害监测系统,该系统通过 NB-IOT 无线通信模块进行传输,采用电容法检测粮仓虫害数量及种类。经过实地测试和反馈,验证了该系统具有低功耗、高可靠性和灵活性强等特点,可实现对粮仓虫害问题的实时监控,能够很好地满足应用需求。



中图分类号:TM93                                        文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2021)09-0027-04

Design of Granary Pest Monitoring System Based on NB-IOT

XIE Gang,QI Shifeng,LI Xinyue

(Panzhihua University,Panzhihua 617000,China)

Abstract:At this stage,the granary pests monitoring method is single,and there are some problems,such as low efficiency and poor stability. Based on the characteristics of low power consumption and low cost of NB-IOT,a granary pest monitoring system based on NB-IOT is designed. The system transmits through NB-IOT wireless communication module,and uses capacitance method to detect the number and types of pests in granary. Through field test and feedback,it is verified that the system has the characteristics of low power consumption,high reliability and strong flexibility. It can realize the real-time monitoring of granary pest problems,and can well meet the application requirements.

Keywords:NB-IOT;capacitance method;pest monitoring sensor;monitoring system


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作者简介:谢刚(1998—),男,汉族,四川眉山人,本科在读, 研究方向:物联网技术;岐世峰(1964—),男,汉族,山西临猗人, 教授,本科,研究方向:物联网技术及应用;李欣悦(1998—),女, 汉族,四川达州人,本科在读,研究方向:软件工程。