摘 要:现如今,盲人出行这一问题的国民关注度日益提高,文章对如何帮助盲人群体解决出行障碍的难题进行研究。借助基础导盲杖结合超声波传感器和红外线传感设备的一款便携实用的智能探测器,精准地为盲人指导路线,在核心技术芯片上录入人文数据库,增加红外线扫描识别系统及导航系统,智能规划路线,连接蓝牙设备将信息传递给使用者,从而更大程度上保证盲人群体的出行安全,使其获得良好的生活体验。
基金项目:校级大学生创新创业训练计划项 目(X202013320100)
中图分类号:TP212 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)09-0042-04
Design and Implentmentation of Obstacle Detection Blind Stick Based on Intelligent Sensing Interaction
ZHANG Ying,GUO Han,XU Mengyu,WANG Yuan,CHEN Xueling
(Qingdao Huanghai University,Qingdao 266427,China)
Abstract:Nowadays,the problem of blind people's travel has attracted increasing national attention. This paper studies the difficult problem that how to help blind group to solve the travel obstacle. A portable and practical intelligent detector based on the basic blind guide stick and combined with ultrasonic sensor and infrared sensing equipment is used to accurately guide route for the blind,input the humanistic database on the core technology chip,add the infrared scanning recognition system and navigation system,intelligently plan the route,transmit the information to the user by connecting bluetooth device,so as to ensure the travel safety of the blind group to a greater extent,and make them get a good life experience.
Keywords:vision-impaired people;intelligent interaction;infrared scanning recognition system;intelligent detector
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作者简介:张赢(2001.03—),女,汉族,福建建瓯人,本 科在读,研究方向:大数据技术。