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(滨州学院,山东 滨州 256600)

摘  要:目前由于国内物流和外卖行业处于兴盛阶段,在现有的运行模式下,“最后一公里”配送作为唯一与消费者面对面接触的环节,成为制约电商物流发展的最大阻碍。该项目针对物流配送“最后一公里”的痛点,设计一种基于无人机快递的新式室外快递接收终端平台。通过一个与室内连通的装置,使业主足不出户便可接收与发送快递,其中无人机运输解决了一般人员运输受地形和交通规则制约而导致货物运送较慢的问题,大大降低了货物配送的晚点率和损坏率。



基金项目:国家级大学生创新创业训练计划 (S202010449012)

Design of the Parking Platform for High-rise Distribution UAV

ZHANG Kun,SHI Aiping,SHUI Qingmei

(Binzhou University,Binzhou 256600,China)

Abstract:At present,as the domestic logistics and takeout industry are in a prosperous stage. As the only link for face-toface contacting with consumers in the existing operation mode,the “last kilometer” distribution has become the biggest obstacle restricting the development of e-commerce logistics. Aiming at the pain points of the “last kilometer” of logistics distribution,this project designs a new outdoor express receiving terminal platform based on UVA express. Through a device connected to the indoor, the owner can receive and send express without leaving the house. Among them,UAV transportation solves the problem of slow goods transportation because that the general personnel transportation is restricted by terrain and traffic rules,which reduce greatly the delay rate and damage rate of goods distribution.

Keywords:STM89C52;UAV distribution;pressure sensor;last kilometer


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作者简介:张坤(1999—),男,汉族,山东济南人,本科在 读,研究方向:航空物流。