摘 要:该文从面元像素 CdZnTe 探测器的基本原理出发,以成像探测为目的建立了 CdZnTe 成像探测系统,相应地对其性能参数进行了分析研究。此外,还根据针孔成像的原理引入了针孔成像系统。实验结果表明,所搭建的面元像素CdZnTe 探测器具有良好的成像探测性能,而对于所引入的针孔成像系统,则应根据时间和目的的要求选取不同的尺寸,以确保成像质量。
课题项目:重庆市教育委员会课题(KJQN 202004006)
中图分类号:TL814 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)11-0027-04
Design of Imaging System for Bin Pixel CdZnTe Radiation Detector
(Chongqing Technology and Business Institute, Chongqing 400052, China)
Abstract: Based on the basic principle of bin pixel CdZnTe detector, a CdZnTe imaging detection system is established for the purpose of imaging detection, and its performance parameters are analyzed and studied accordingly. In addition, pinhole imaging system is introduced according to the principle of pinhole imaging. The experimental result shows that the built bin pixel CdZnTe detector has good imaging detection performance. For the introduced pinhole imaging system, different sizes should be selected according to the requirements of time and purpose to ensure the imaging quality.
Keywords: bin pixel detector; imaging system; pinhole system
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作者简介:沈敏(1980.09—),女,汉族,四川成都人,副 教授,硕士研究生,研究方向:电子信息技术和光机电一体化。