摘 要:文章设计了一款基于 51 单片机的无线病床呼叫系统,整个系统由发射端和接收端组成。当病房内有呼叫按键被按下时,发送端会以无线通信方式将呼叫信号发送至护士站的接收端,接收端接收到呼叫信号后会在液晶屏上显示相应的病床信息,并通过报警模块提醒医护人员及时处理,待医护人员完成应答后,系统恢复初始状态。系统具有稳定性高、实时性强、传输距离远等优点。
关键词:51 单片机;无线通信;病床呼叫
基金项目:重庆市高等职业技术教育研究会 课题项目(GY200010);重庆电力高等专科学校 教研项目(D-JY202006);重庆电力高等专科学 校科研项目(D-KY202105)
中图分类号:TP368;TN925 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)11-0024-04
Design and Implementation of Wireless Hospital Bed Call System Based on 51 Single-chip Microcomputer
QIN Meng, DU Haojie, LUO Guangsheng, LI Bingbing
(School of Information Engineering, Chongqing Electric Power College, Chongqing 400053, China)
Abstract: This paper designs a wireless hospital bed call system based on 51 single-chip microcomputer. The whole system is composed of the sending end and the receiving end. When a call button is pressed in a ward, the sending end will send the call signal to the receiving end of the nurse station in the way of wireless communication. When the receiving end receives the call signal, the corresponding hospital bed information will be displayed on the LCD screen. At the same time, it reminds the medical staff to deal with it in time through the alarm module. After the medical staff completing the response, the system will return to the initial state. The system has the advantages of high stability, strong real-time performance and long transmission distance.
Keywords: 51 single-chip microcomputer; wireless communication; hospital bed call
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作者简介:秦蒙(1986—),男,汉族,山东临沂人,讲师, 硕士研究生,研究方向:无线通信、人工智能及物联网技术。