摘 要:光伏组件发热会降低组件发电效率,因此有必要对不同对流换热环境下 PV 板的热行为进行分析。研究建立了精细的 PV 板 - 环境模型,分别包括玻璃、EVA 粘结层、电池层、背板和空气,并基于仿真软件的太阳加载模块和对流换热模块实现江苏丹阳地区安装倾角 27°、发电效率 14% 的 PV 板热行为的数值模拟。无风工况模拟结果与相同条件下实验测量结果较为接近,表明模拟方法的可靠性。有风工况下,PV 板最大温升在 5 ℃以内,表明适当的强制对流能够有效控制 PV 板发热问题。
关键词:PV 板;温度;自然热对流;强制热对流
中图分类号:TM615 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)19-0056-04
Thermal Behavior Analysis of Photovoltaic Modules Considering Ambient Convective Heat Transfer
GONG Linhui 1 , CAO Yang2 , XIA Bin3
(1.Nanjing Normal University Zhongbei College, Danyang 212300, China; 2.Nanjing Jiangbei New Area Industrial Investment Group, Nanjing 210031, China; 3. China Group Science and Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd., Nanjing 210023, China)
Abstract: The heating of photovoltaic module will reduce the module power generation efficiency, so it is necessary to analyze the thermal behavior of PV panel under different ambient convective heat transfer environment. A detailed PV panel-environment model is established, including glass, EVA bonding layer, battery layer, backplane and air. Based on the solar loading module and ambient convection heat transfer module of simulation software, the thermal behavior of PV panel with 27° inclination and 14% power generation efficiency in Danyang, Jiangsu is simulated. The simulation results of no-wind condition are close to the experimental results under the same condition, which indicates the reliability of the simulation method. Under the condition of wind, the maximum temperature rise of the PV plate is less than 5℃, indicating that appropriate forced ambient convection can effectively control the heating problem of the PV panel.
Keywords: PV panel; temperature; natural heat convection; forced heat convection
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作者简介:贡琳慧(1990.01—),女,汉族,江苏丹阳人,助教, 硕士研究生,研究方向:太阳能光热、光电利用技术。