摘 要:传统的相位检测主要依靠模拟电路实现,响应速度很快,但精度不高。为了解决相位检测器因对环境较为敏感而影响其检测精度的问题,提出一种基于 FPGA 的相位检测系统。该系统由模拟电路和主控芯片 FPGA 组成,将模拟电路响应速度快、数字电路测量精度高的优点充分结合;将两路被测信号通入滤波器滤除干扰,然后通过过零比较电路将信号转换成方波,最后将方波输入 FPGA 中,使用高频脉冲进行插补计数,实现对信号相位的精确检测。
中图分类号:TN763.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)19-0060-04
Design of Phase Detection System Based on PFGA
LENG Congyang
(College of Mechanical Engineering, Chongqing University of Technology, Chongqing 400054, China)
Abstract: The traditional phase detection mainly depends on the analog circuit, which has fast response speed, but low precision. In order to solve the problem that the phase detector is sensitive to the environment and affects its detection accuracy, a phase detection system based on FPGA is proposed. The system is composed of analog circuit and main control chip FPGA, which fully combines the advantages of fast response speed of analog circuit and high measurement accuracy of digital circuit; the two measured signals are passed into the filter to filter out the interference, and then the signal is converted into square wave through the zero-crossing comparison circuit. Finally, the square wave is input into FPGA, and the high-frequency pulse is used for interpolation and counting to realize the accurate detection of signal phase.
Keywords: phase detection; FPGA; high-frequency pulse counting
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作者简介:冷从阳(1996 -),男,汉族,重庆璧山人,硕士研究生在读,研究方向:智能仪器与传感器。