摘 要:对常规±800 kV 换流站内换流变压器油温、油位等参量进行了研究,探索了变压器重要运行参量间存在的相互关联,通过提取实际运行参数、多维度分析、曲线拟合等手段分析换流变压器各电气量不同工况下的变化特征,考察了在控制保护系统中实现运行异常提前预警功能的可行性,为运维人员迅速反应,及时处置故障提供前置条件和理论依据。
中图分类号:TM85;TP391 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)21-0052-04
Research on an Abnormal Criterion of Converter Transformer
LI Hongchang, CHEN Junyu
(Guangzhou Bureau of China Southern Power Grid EHV Transmission Company, Guangzhou 510663, China)
Abstract: The parameters such as oil temperature and oil level of converter transformer in conventional ± 800 kV converter station are studied, and the correlation among important operating parameters of transformer is explored. The variation characteristics of each electrical quantity of converter transformer under different working conditions are analyzed by means of extracting actual operating parameters, multi-dimensional analysis and curve fitting, the feasibility of realizing the early warning function of abnormal operation in the control and protection system is investigated, which provides preconditions and theoretical basis for the operation and maintenance personnel to respond quickly and deal with the fault in time.
Keywords: monitoring parameter; converter transformer; oil level
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