摘 要:目前市面上的中药材购药流程复杂且效率低。在医院里还要经过窗口挂号、排队看诊、开具药方、等待抓药这几个环节才能完成就医,尤其是在抓药环节,耗时十分大。所以为提高取药效率,设计了“智中医”智能药柜。患者看诊后,由医生将其开具的药方录入操作系统;当药房由操作系统读进上位机后,将上位机信息传入STM32 并使其通过控制的药柜等装置开始工作,根据药方上药物的品种和量自行完成抓药。此过程耗时少,病人只需前往取药处等待即可。
中图分类号:TN929.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)21-0056-04
Design and Research of Intelligent Medicine Cabinet Based on STM32
(School of Electrical Engineering, Northwest Minzu University, Lanzhou 730030, China)
Abstract: At present, the purchase process of traditional Chinese medicine on the market is complex and inefficient. In the hospital, the medical treatment can only be completed through the following links: window registration, queuing for diagnosis, issuing prescriptions and waiting for medicine filling. Especially in the medicine filling link, it takes a lot of time. Therefore, in order to improve the medicine taking efficiency, the intelligent medicine cabinet of “intelligent traditional Chinese medicine” is designed. After the patient sees the doctor, the doctor will input the prescription into the operating system; after the pharmacy is read into the upper computer by the operating system, the information of the upper computer is transmitted to STM32, and it starts to work through the controlled medicine cabinet and other devices, and completes the dispensing by itself according to the variety and quantity of drugs on the prescription. This process takes less time, and the patient only needs to go to the medicine taking place to wait for medicine.
Keywords: medicine cabinet; Internet of things; Node-RED; intelligence
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