摘 要:采用两只总栅宽 100 mm 的 0.5 μm 工艺 GaN HEMT 功率管芯,通过合理选择目标阻抗、合理设计输出匹配网络,实现了一款输出功率达到 600 W 的 L 波段内匹配功率管。在 +36 V、-2 V 工作电压下,1.14 ~ 1.26 GHz 内,功率管输出功率≥ 600 W,功率增益≥ 12 dB,功率附加效率≥ 55%,体积仅为 33 mm×17 mm×2 mm,重量仅为 3.5 g,显示出卓越的性能,具有广泛的工程应用前景。
关键词:功率管;GaN;内匹配;L 波段;大功率
中图分类号:TN386 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)01-0052-04
Design of L-Band 600 W Internal Matching Power Transistor Based on GaN HEMT
WANG Xiaolong
(The 13th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Corporation, Shijiazhuang 050051, China)
Abstract: Using two 0.5 μm process GaN HEMT power transistor cores with a total grid width of 100 mm, an L-band internal matching power transistor with an output power reached 600 W is realized by reasonably selecting the target impedance and reasonably designing the output matching network. Under the working voltage of +36 V and –2 V, within 1.14 ~ 1.26 GHZ, the output power of power transistor is greater than or equal to 600 W, the power gain is greater than or equal to 12 dB, the power added efficiency is greater than or equal to 55%. And the volume is only 33 mm×17 mm×2 mm, the weight is only 3.5 g. It shows excellent performance and has broad engineering application prospects.
Keywords: power transistor; GaN; internal matching; L-band; high power
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